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Timber Treatment & Renewal

Properties across the UK are susceptible to WoodWorm and Rot due to the climate and damp conditions. Factors to also consider are the methods used in the building trade combined with the materials used, along with lack of ventilation.

If your timber is left without treatment or preventative action you are likely to encounter some sort of destructive Rot or Fungus which can lead to severe issues and decay within your property.

As with many things, treatment is essential when it comes to timber infestation, rot or fungus, however here at Essex And Anglia Preservation we ensure you have the peace of mind of not only treatment, but a full diagnosis.

This means that we can tell you what is causing the issue, provide the correct recommendations tailored to your unique situation and a long term guarantee that it will not return.

Our fully qualified and experienced surveyors will provide a detailed report to PCA standards with a full explanation as to what the issue is and how to treat it correctly first time.

If you think your property or project may require timber treatment please get in touch quickly and easily using the form opposite.

For more information please see our ‘Useful Information’ section

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